Spit Roast Atia Vegas

Posted: 25th May 2024 by RealFastMustang in assoholics, bubble butts, DAMN, oiled asses/tits, PHAT ASSES
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  1. brodie11 says:

    these dudes came a long way since them cheap ass NYC apartments

  2. Mr. Nice Guy says:


    i sent you this one before but i never seen you post it

  3. Mr. Nice Guy says:

    check the MVs

  4. gmode says:

    What realfastmustang said bout her being too little is something very few understand. Growing up all these little ass women loved me and my mom would always be like why you not dating these pretty models who bring you stuff she likes you. Ive notice alot of porn in the 2004-2021 era was about hurting women, its look at this 5’1 98 pound girl take on this huge bbc!! Gag a bitch till she throwsup and It hit me.

    I call them “the men of the littles” these smaller sometime average guys, always obsess with the fact someone got a way bigger dick then them, and their wives/girl probably fucked one of these dicks! So when they see that type of dick they want to see her in pain, hurting so it makes them feel like, yea he got a big dick, but they dont like it foreal.

    Truth is most men who are above average goes out their way to make sure the woman is comfortable. so its this weird dynamic of “the men of the littles” with this rough weird destroy porn and the regulars who just wanna see themselves fuck a girl how they would fuck them thats been a battle of porn for so long and Im for one glad its ending!

    • I agree with you & understand EXACTLY what you mean… I’ve ALWAYS felt that way about men who always want the woman to look like a lil’ boy… Shit always turned my stomach.

      (just a heads up) ……………… The video I was responding to “Mr.Nice Guy” (who LOVES thick women of course – LOL) about, was a video that I haven’t posted (yet)… It actually was a *midget* (little person) who IS built like a grown woman, but she is SOOOO tiny, she was giving me little kids vibes (at first glance) & I just filed it to the side & forgot about it.