……………….m0r3 r3up5………………
Well, IT’S ABOUT DAMN TIME. I guess she finally left that lame dude she was with. It’s funny how when a lot of these girls leave these dudes, they go buck wild. I mean, of course, that’s where the money is but I do find it interesting that they go to a certain type of dude. Sofia Rose, Samantha Mack, etc, For some reason, I’ve yet to see these women, when they were in a relationship. Be with a guy who broke their back. It seems that almost every pornstars boyfriend is wack in the bed but as soon as they cut those ties. Straight to a back breaker. I’ve been wanting Mistress to do hardcore for the longest. I so wish she would’ve done this when she was bigger/had more weight. Man did I love her size then. She was a true bbw.
Yeah… I always notice the same thing… lol!!!
I haven’t watched this FULL scene, yet… But it seems like it’s pretty damn solid. Delicious lookin’ THICK & Delicious
Well, the fact that I’m just now responding. I’m sure you’ve probably seen it by now and it was true fire wasn’t it. Dude broke her off and you can tell it’s been a minute since she’s been broke off. Hell, if ever. She was like a dog in heat/couldn’t get enough and wanted more. Like we discussed before, that’s my huge turn on when white girls get their back broke by us. They loose control. It also seemed like she’s never had a (no homo)big dick before. With it being part 1, hopefully the next scene will be with another black dude. Not saying white dudes can tear it up but it’s so far and few. Oh, back to pornstars with wack azz boyfriends in bed. Yo, I can’t wait till the bodyxxx drops that fool. He has to be one of the worst I’ve ever seen. His sex game is like how he comes off. Them long beach type niggaz who smoke weed all day, drink and look like they half sleep all the damn time, lol. Everything they do is soooo laid back.
Thebodyxxx seems to really love that nigga. Am not sure she will drop him
Paige Porcelain – same thing
tiffany days ( winter rose ) – same thing
Lady sublime – same thing
Buttercream 19 – same thing
all have the same dude and never want to go work with the proper stars and do fire XXX scenes – sadly the industry suffers for it – o well
but this was a fire fire scene
lmaoooooo true, reminds me of marcy diamond and the hype for her to do actual porn and she was playing games until she finally left her boyfriend or pimp & went ham with her 1st IR/pov scene for joshstonexxx.
Friends –
Great scene.
|Im just curious what race was delicious boyfriend cus son goku right this bitch was acting like she never had no black dick before, Lmao I see she got shane out retirement licking her ass clean maybe he can stay hard long enough break her off too. But she seem to be really into this nigga like they dating or something.
LMFAO!!! Wordup!
SomeBody Finally Knocked her shit down. Yuuuuuus! ?