Oiled & Fucked: Rose Monroe – Big Booty Latina
Posted: 28th August 2020 by RealFastMustang in assoholics, big tits, bubble butts, DAMN, latin fire, oiled asses/tits, PHAT ASSESTags: ass shaking, hairy pussy, lawd
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I actually didn’t recognise her at first, looks darker than usual or maybe it’s just me I dunno. She hot though.
Yeah, I think she is a lil’ darker… looks AMAZING too!
There is definitely something different about her, think some work on her face for sure. Even the tan seems a lil unnatural; probably was spending time in the tropics due to quarantine. still #1 in my book just for that body shape and thickness……give me her(and google translate) and probably Harley Dean and Im set for life.