rapidgator / keep2share
rapidgator / keep2share
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I finally gave in and downloaded this scene, and while I don’t like the blonde hair or the thinner body, it surprised me that she’s still hot enough (and frankly, that the scene was shot well enough so as to maximize her sex appeal) that I was still turned on by what I saw. So while we both agree that she’s not what she once was (although could be again with a few changes), I appreciate your posting, and keeping us posted on, her work.
Yeah.. I saw the blonde hair and thinner frame… & I almost didn’t even post it… I skimmed through it, & found myslef sayin’… “hmmm… she looks aiight here, for some reason”
Camera work quality goes a long way… I still wish she’d keep her slim/thickness on point… instead of going full “mainstream white chick”…