
Posted: 18th December 2017 by RealFastMustang in anal, assoholics, big tits, bubble butts, DAMN, milfs, PHAT ASSES, super pawg
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  1. kushafterdark says:

    Ryan Conner is the poster girl for how augmentation can help. Thing is she had gifts before she added on….Curves… now her cheeks outta control to match them tiddays…and it somehow looks semi-natural at moments…

    • I think the females that already start out with natural gifts, seem to have a MUCH better time enhancing them… It’s the chicks that start out with ZERO tits and want to be MaseratiXXX over night, that end up lookin’ absolutely RIDICULOUS…

      But, when you look at Ava Addams tit “restoration” – them shits turn out LOVELY!! … Ryan already had some work, some them bolts-ons look OFFICIAL!!!

      • Cavaleer says:

        Exactly. Victoria June’s a good example too. She had to have a nice set pre-enhancement, cause they’re perrrfect now.