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rapidgator / keep2share
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Ol’ girl could have been a legend with dat body if she hadn’t turned out to be f@ckin nuts…smh
@P.R. what you mean??
La Gurl she is known as a child abuser she got locked up for beatin her kids
Yeah, we always speak on that everytime I put a post up with her in it… I’m pretty sure she has done her time in jail… hopefully those days are FAR behind her…
I think she got 10 years for it.
Good Lawd… I remember cats saying 5-7
Thanks, great work.
Can you get the Diamond and Moe scenes?
rfm keep droppin those La Gurl scenes…time to replace some of my grainy downloads…much thanks for all these…damn! you been posted a LOT lately must be tired…lol
lol RFM got me going like 5 pages
More SSBBW clips. Anybody know any SSBBW sites? They seem rare and hard to find
http://www.mercedesbbwpears.com what clips can you download from this site? do you have to pay for their videos at their store?
I’m not really sure… I believe it was a fellow Assoholic that transferred me alot of their scenes a WHILE back… So, I honestly don’t even remember…