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Now I understand how NFL linebackers felt the first time they saw Daunte Culpepper. I’m supposed to tackle that? She’s 6’6 268 pounds of awesome.
Does anyone have that alexis rodriguez 420 scene from industry invaders?
Her last bangbros scene was 10x better than this one.
I thought this one was pretty good though… (I did kinda skim through it though)
Yes…..a whole lot better.
Here’s a drinking game: take a shot every time this lame ass nigga says “oh shit…” It’ll be a miracle if you see the sun tomorrow. And of course the cameraman has to put his 2 cents in. A “STFU” policy needs to be instituted immediately.
Still no brand new Julie Cash scene from Cherokee’s website or brand new Jayla Foxx scene? I know they’re both out now.
Man, I thought that Julie Cash joint was gonna be a FULL action flick… & I really don’t be that hyped about ANOTHER Jayla Scene… I was gonna wait until they posted some other heat & then post em both.
I think cherokee website post the photos set first then the full action scene. i know julie cash did a full action scene with jovan jordan, just dont know when cherokee is going to post the scene