…yeah, they tried to get Alexa killed out here… lol!
rapidgator / keep2share
…yeah, they tried to get Alexa killed out here… lol!
rapidgator / keep2share
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LMAO! You ain’t lyin’ homie!
I bet the bitch felt like she finally knew what it was like to give birth after that m’fuckin’ scene! 😀
TROOF!!! At first I was like… hold up… Is my man just a little ass dude??… then as the scene progressed… I’m like, hold up *PAUSE* … They set her up with a damn RINGER! lol!!!!!!!!!
CFTU!!! 😀 😀
Bruh, you ain’t lyin’! Where was dey hidin’ dis mutant nga at back when full-grown women like Angela White and Peta Wilson did dey Blacked scenes?!
Poor Alexa — You could tell she was strugglin’ to stay conscious! I was chucklin’ throughout most of this damn scene! Ironically, Piper Perri can handle this, and dat crazy lil hoe is *smaller*.
Say, fam… //looks around shady-like//
We *just* may have to form an alliance and search for dis sonuvabitch packin’ the fuckin’ Womb-Destroyer and *quarantine* his ass, quick!!! … or he just may wreck every gyot-damn snowbunny up and down the East Coast dat we like!! There ain’t gon’ be no mo’ Bettys or Veronicas left to jack to!
.. oh wait.. except for gaped-pussy nympho size-queen bitches like Dee Siren that can handle dat shit no prob. 😛
LMFAO!! @ “dis sonuvabitch packin’ the fuckin’ Womb-Destroyer”
Yeah, Dee Siren would handle that shit with NO problem…
Just for the record the dis sonuvabitch packin’ the fuckin’ Womb-Destroyer lol name is Julio Gomez. He does alot of work on the American Pornstar sight (Which I recommended a while ago for RFM to get onto but i digress). Yeah, dude is packing a 3 by 4 and putting womens reproductive organs in jeopardy.
Check out his latest video at the
Yeah… that site actually doesn’t look bad… might have to look into that one…
“…….putting womens reproductive organs in jeopardy” – LOL!!!
@ Surfer ~ LMAO!!!! 😀 😀