Mia Dior Fuckin’ Fans

Posted: 2nd February 2023 by RealFastMustang in assoholics, bubble butts, DAMN, IR, PHAT ASSES, super pawg
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more mia dior here!

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  1. Son Goku says:

    Hello my brother. As always hope all as well. I’ve been MIA because of what happened to me heart wise. I believe I told you I’m heavy in the fitness world but I don’t know if I told you that apart of that, I’m a very serious weight lifter. Well, after all my years of being in the fitness world, lifting weights. As much as I’ve heard about protein shakes to build muscle, I’ve never heard that it could lead to a heart spasm. I have a lot of knowledge in fitness and it’s just one of those things that oddly enough, never came across the radar. Never heard any cases from people in the gyms I’ve been in, guys who promote it all day on YT, the 1,000’s among 1,000’s of comments I’ve read over the years. It’s just one of those things. Now the thing is, they didn’t know it was a heart spasm until they did my KAT. It was highly believed to be a heart attack.

    I was working out one evening and after I finished I felt a pain in my chest on both sides, my back etc and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I was in so much pain I was laying on the floor where I couldn’t move. Though I’ve never experienced a heart attack before, for some reason I knew it wasn’t that. I thought it was just a bad case of gas because I’ve experienced this before, just not that severe. Anyway, thankfully, I went to urgent care the next day as the pain did subside. After some tests, doctor walks in and tells me that because my blood pressure is off the charts, there was a irregularity with my heart that shows that I either I had a mild heart attack or could possibly be working up to one. So, I needed to be rushed to a hospital by ambulance. Now, imagine what I’m thinking. I’m thinking the most I will get is a prescription and I’m being told I possibly had a heart attack or could have one.

    Long story short, at the next hospital I’m being told that it shows every symptom it was mild and it could worsen, so now I have to be rushed by another ambulance to a hospital specifically for the heart. I’ll tell you the whole story at a different time but by the grace god, after my KAT, they were able to see it was just a spasm. As far as the KAT. If you’re not familiar, they insert a very, very tiny cable right above your right wrist. It has a camera on it where they can examine the heart. It releases something into your body to where when it shows up on the jumbo screen. They can take pictures. I’ve been recovering for the last couple of months where I’m finally getting back to myself, working out serious like I use to after rehabilitating my body. So, I haven’t really haven’t been on the Internet.

    After all I was being told in the hospital, while being hooked up to two IV’s in each arm, blood being drawn every 2 hours, couldn’t eat for 3 days for the testing but was finally able to eat o over that weekend because the procedure isn’t done over the weekend, with my parents being my side for 5 days. I’m just glad to be alive man. Based on what I was being told by the Doctor, I thought I was going to have to get what my mom had to get a few months ago where they blow up one of your arteries if there is blockage, than put a stint on it which melts over time or possibly worse.I could barely sleep because I was so worried before the procedure which kept my blood pressure from going. Which made them think the problem was severe, oh man, it was a mess. I’m just so blessed that there was no damage to my heart etc etc. I’m man enough to admit I got teary eyed after the doctor told me right than and there on that table, while being unstrapped from 5 other people that all I would need to do is take blood pressure medicine. I was so drugged up I think I told everyone in that room I loved them, lol, no just kidding.

    • Wow!!!! I was wonderin’ where you were… I’m glad everything seems to be ok. That could have been REALLY bad. 🙁

      • Son Goku says:

        Appreciate that my brother. Yeah, it was definitely a scary experience. As the doctor said, if I didn’t come in when I did, it could’ve lead to heart attack. Like I mentioned, just happy to be alive. Things that we make a big deal in life, aren’t no where near as big when you experience something like that. I see life totally different now. So, yeah, good to be here back talking to you guys. Thanks again for your support.

    • BSD says:

      Son Goku –

      That’s some serious juju my dawg.

      Glad things seem to have been caught in time and it looks like you’ve got a path forward. Thankful for that. I had a minor heart scare seven years ago, followed by a cancer diagnosis six years ago, and that was enough to motivate me into gettin’ a clue and gettin’ my shit together.

      Take care and good luck.


      • Son Goku says:


        Thank you bro/for the support. Means a lot, I actually wasn’t expecting all this. Sorry to hear about what you’ve been through, but glad to hear you were able to get through it/alive to even speak about it. It’s also good to hear that you were able to take those things and turn your life around. As I’m sure you know, a lot of people don’t always do that. Especially guys in the fitness world who take steroids, smh. They know the risks as far as heart attacks etc, can actually have heart scares but continue on for a look. It’s sad. Anyway, as far as my path, you’re right/I was just mentioning that to RFM. I see things totally different now. I was already on a path due to my fitness, I had a fire etc but a fire has been totally ignited to my soul on what I must do. When you’re in a hospital and as I also mentioned. You have I.V’s in both arms, blood constantly being drawn, different cardiologists telling you, “it could be this or that. We won’t know till we get in there”. You’re thinking that absolute worse to prepare yourself for if the procedure goes wrong, if they have to do extensive surgery etc.

        When you come out of it, alive and well so to speak, it’s like a rebirth. I mean, you’re lying on the table, your life is in their hands. Everyone is affected differently for that kinda of thing but I would tell anyone afterward, let that be your motivation to strive to do whatever it is you want to do in life. Even if may seem impossible. We limit ourselves more than any critic so to speak. Now of course if you’re over a certain age, certain things are limited but a lot of things aren’t. Most people don’t know that Stan Lee didn’t create Spider Man until he was 43 or that Lucille Ball didn’t get the iconic I Love Lucy show until she was 40, the list goes on of people I could speak on who were even older than them. Now, I’m a younger than these ages but you get my point. If you ever have time, you should read her story. Talk about never giving up. Very inspirational story. Anyway, but yeah man, thanks again for your kind words. I hope the best for you in your life.

    • Jack Purcell says:

      That sounds like a very scary episode you had to experience, brotha Goku! Glad to hear you’re alive and recuperating.
      Be easy bruh!

      • Son Goku says:


        Yeah my man, it was scary. As I just told BSD, wasn’t expecting all this. I really appreciate your support as well. I actually didn’t know if I was going to make it out of that situation based on all of what I was being told from hospital to hospital. You know Doctors, they prepare you for the possible worst of the situation, just in case it happens to be that. Through my faith in (weird to say this on a porn site, lol)God, my parents there praying constantly, watching movies or shows most of the day with me. We laughed, have meal from the cafeteria talking about other things as if I wasn’t even in the hospital etc. That really got me through the 4 days waiting for my procedure. I will never forget them, as always being there for me and just that whole experience. Oh, what also got me through it were the nurses, the heads of the floor, doctors, yeah, no matter who was working after a shift change from all positions, the customer care so to speak never wavered.

        It was a christian based hospital so I would get a lot God is here with you pep talks as well. Even the first day I got there when they could see how worried I was. I mean, there were people checking on me even when other people were doing tests. I had never heard or seen anything like that even when I would go visit people in a hospital. Even on my day of release I had a room full of nurses, doctors etc. It looked like a house party when somebody comes home from the hospital, no lie, lol. I’m a jokester too, so I was entertaining, making people laugh throughout those days, which helped me take my mind off it as well. Anyway, thanks again my brother.

  2. nj415 says:

    man where are yall buying k2s reups from now? the website wants me to purchase from 3rd parties , whats the safest bet right now for legit buying?