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Can you reup the 1080 version?
Would love to see her put in some new work she’s always been one of my favs
Has anyone ever said to you a simple thank you…
Yeah, sometimes… lol!!
Man,her and Luana was Brazils finest in they prime! fire drop my ni33a!
Yeah… they stack up against WHOEVER… FACTS.
Super facts! If u got some luana joimts please post a couple. My cpu crashed a while back and i aint got none, i used 2 have em all!
Ima search the external & see what I have here… I have been operating from my primary location (cpu) for a couple of weeks…. So, some of my older shit ain’t here… I usually can jump to my other CPU’s but, I have em all shut down (wasn’t tryna pay and additional crazy electric bill) …
or if u just got just this one please re it up! i would appreciate it! one of my favs by her.http://assoholics.cc/2015/11/evasive-luana/
I do have that one… I’ll add it to the next wave fam… 😉
What kind of rig are you running? Sounds like you might need a NAS for all your hard drives. Maybe even upgrade to several 4-8TB drives.
I have 3 different locations I post from… I usually just use remote access software..
At my primary location, I JUST got a brand new Dell XPS Tower SE… my 2 other locations are just heavily modded HP’s… probably about 20ish TB’s in total… But, you’re right a NAS would probably help… I’m just lazy sometimes… 🙁
I need to go back to RG, i need the Darlene collection lol
Thank you for the reup!