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I actually tried the NoFap challenge and this made me giving up. FU RFM j/k ๐
yeah, Ryan Smiles is straight Kryptonite bruh…
Hey RFM where is the home button at the top?
i threw 1 on there for ya bruh… ๐
LOL good looking out homie.
Ay yooooo, I think this is my fave joint with Ryan!
Ain’t this the one where it’s showing dat ass jiggle in slo-mo?! This shit was hot, AND had me rollin’ at the same time, cuz everytime they went to slo-mo, they played the intro music over it to further hypnotize you, LOL!!!!
… which ain’t hard to do when you see all that booty-meat and every crevice movin’ in all its glory!
Yeah, this might actually be my favorite one too… just based off the resolution, the slow mo’, and the baby oil… all a WIN for chick with crazy ass like her….
TROOF I had the red/white cartoon eyes lookin’ at that shit bro!!