rapidgator / keep2share
Fuck My Asshole
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how do i send you links to put up?
You can just drop the link in the comments… 😉
Does anyone here know how to increase download speeds? My internet is pretty good.. It’s just that when I’m downloading my speed is sometime 120-170 KB/s.. Sometimes it’s goes down to 100…
My speeds aren’t that low all the times for the most part they’re at 250-300 KB/s but I just wanna know if there’s any way to increase it to like 600-800 KB/s.. I know this isn’t the right place to ask but since y’all download too I’m curious to know if y’all use a certain program
Internet download manager has always been a good option… I’m sure you can google for other options…
RFL (thanks as always for what you do), I was hoping you could drop the following as well: http://new.bangbros.com/videos/gram-famous-chick-hops-on-the-bus_3407565.htm.
Yeah, I was late to this one… Had a SUPER busy day… But it’s up now… I have an STA version in there too 😉
Can you try and get that new bangbros scene with Ashley Barbie, RFM?!
Yeah, I got in the booth a lil’ late… I hope she stays in the game for a while…
Would love to see Blacked scoop her up…
Man I legit wanna get you a christmas present or somethin for all the shit you’ve given me to fap to. One of these days man. I never woulda found any of this shit
Welcome 😉 lol!!