wasted talent 🙁
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any idea who she is? gotta see more of her
She could definitely be a threat in the game. I hope she is…
What’s her name?
she needs to get fucked ASAP
seriously….next to ryan smiles bj vid….one of the hugest fucking wastes…
“Why waste this thick thang on BJ Friday’s???”
All this crazy heat BangBros been delivering … and then they drop THIS? I mean, based upon the last 4 weeks, them cats get somewhat of a pass — because this chick is a straight dime. (BB got a Nacho-Kyra Hot jawn that looks crazy … UNLESS dude shot it in a fisheye lens.)
I’m hoping this is a spring training/”working this bish slowly into the rotation” teaser type situation
This blowjob scene was back in February
Yeah… i skipped on it – Downloaded it not realizing it was a BJ scene ONLY… then saw that they wasted the thickness… planned on posting it when she (hopefully) dropped another Bangbros FULL action vid…
Don’t worry fellaz…This is just business. You know these cats are just tryin to get that dough for ALL fetishes. They gonna get enough complaints and fan mail to where they’re gonna end up ringing her Apple 6 to schedule an appointment for what yall are asking for. Baby is gonna end up on Ass Parade like Carmen did before you know it.
I feel you… & I hope you’re right… I just hope the delay isn’t as long as Carmen’s was… SHEESH…
After 3 years I wonder if you know about other stuff of this thickness…
Sabrina Santos is crazy.
Wasted talent? I see…too bad – rare ass, granny like on young is very special
She did NO other scenes after this…
That I’m aware of… correct?
Correct, unfortunately…