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I miss Ava Rose. She was under rated
definitely was.
under rated? I don’t know bout that. maybe the industry thought she was under rated
You’re probably right…
There’s just a couple of PAWGS I sincerely miss seeing putting in work & Ava is one of em… For sure. ?
Tbh, I have been wondering as of late who your “Fave 5″ Pawgs are right now in the game, Uncle Real!
Granted, I’m sure if I asked who your top 5 of *all time” were, the list might come up lookin different….
..but for all intents and purposes, who are you feelin’ that’s currently puttin in work?
Man, Ima just list the PAWGS I love to look at… Ima give a 1-5 of the top of my head (subject to change)
As far as watching a FULL scene… I ABSOLUTELY Love the Asses on…. 1)Virgo Peridot, 2)Ryan Conner, 3)Julie Cash, 4)Ryan Smiles, 5)Blondie Fesser(if we callin’ her a PAWG)……
(Honorables) 1)PrincessPawg, 2)Paige_Porcelain, 3)DABitchNamedJuicy, 4)Sizzle Kitty … Kelly Divine would make my normal list.. But, I haven’t really been watching anything with her in it, these days.. OH & … I NEED to see more of that Katya Michelle too BTW…
For my semi lil’ chicks… Ima go… Kelsi Monroe, Jada Stevens & Mandy Muse
For the BBW PAWGS: Probably Vanessa Blake, Sophia, Mazzaratie Monica (when she’s at her mid-size) … Prime Tiffany Star (love her big ol’ calves, for some reason) … & Low key, I fucks with that “Amor” chick that did that scene with Nacho a while back… So she can get an (Honrable Mention) … Even though, I believe she my fit in that Blondie Fesser category too…
**** PrincessPawg might actually have my current favorite ass to just look at (at the moment) … she just doesn’t have ANY catalog yet & I ALWAYS have to say… Lily Sincere is probably my all time favorite PAWG (as y’all know) ****
Good ass list, RFM!
I was kinda scatter brained on it… But, it was basically ALL the PAWGs I currently have on the Note8 😉 in the secure folder 🙂 😉
I think the ONLY fire PAWG I skipped over that I fuck with is Kelly StaXXX … Only because she hasn’t done much recently.
ava rose, Madison rose, and maybe your favorite RFM, Lily sincere
You know me well 😉 😉
Ava Rose was the best PAWG of the mainstream industry. She was the first to show up with that kind of body we all see on this instagram bitches now.
yeah… I’m pretty sure she came about a year before Alexis Texas too… So, she definitely is the OG. (as far as I’m concerned)
I give Alexis alot of props too (even though she clearly has a “No Ni66as” *MJ voice* policy) … But, she has to get a little love for raising the awareness of the demand of the TRUE PAWG… Even though she loss WAY too much weight from her starting point… When she first came in the game, she was SUPER thick… then, you can tell the white main-stream sites made her slim it down… unfortunately.
She bounced back a little in recent years… But, never got back to her original size… Like, I don’t think I EVER saw her look as thick as she did in one of her first Ass parade joints… It actually MIGHT be THE first one…
why cant she do at least one or two IR scenes?? SMH
Yeah… Or, even IF she just stayed around for a while… I KNOW she’d put on that natural 30yr old woman weight… and because her torso doesn’t hold weight… I KNOW that ass would keep 99% of it…
Damn, she’d be FIRE right about now…
& Don’t even get me started on my Lily Sincere 🙁
Yes, I believe Ava Rose started before Alexis Texas. But Ava was super thin and got thicker (actually one of the best natural bodies I’ve ever see on the mainstream), and Alexis was super thick and got slimmer probably to reach a bigger audience. I remember to download this scene from her on bangbros the day it was released, and I coudn’t believe how big and perfect that ass was. Some time later I discovered Mal Malloy (The holy grail of all PAWGs) and Virgo, and now we have girls like PrincessPawg aka ColorsOfAutumn on Instagram. I hope nature continues in this path. Hahaha…
Real… You’re right about that… Ava definitely did get thicker AFTER she jumped in the game…
I have in 1080p
Here’s a higher resolution version for you, fam.
“enter decryption key”