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DAYUM! I would seriously be going to jail after seeing that chick and accidentally “falling” on her while walking by. Lol.
Damn! Those waist to hips proportions are unreal.
Wifey: The Dr. said I have a thyroid problem… that’s why my hips and ass are so big. BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS, the Dr. said if I get this simple injection treatment… it will clear it all up. He said, within a couple of weeks I will finally lose all this weight… and my hips and butt will shrink down to normal proportions! …Isn’t that great news?!
Husband: Hmmmm… *smh* Can we really trust these Drs? And I’m sorry, but Thyroid problem? …Thyroid? …That sounds like a made up word. I was reading a blog the other day written by a Dr. RFM. He’s a specialist in Gigantis assology *looks into the camera* and they’ve suggested applying oil on bottoms with your condition is very helpful.
I gotta tell you, baby… this guy really sounds like he knows a lot about women with your condition. Maybe we should try rubbing your hips and ass down with oil – as recommended by Dr. RFM. I could really see something like that working!
Wifey: But the Dr. said…
Husband: Ok great! …I’ll go get the oil! *mumbling under his breath* …and this GoPro!
GREAT POST, RFM! The diversity of your posts are off the chain! Every time I tune in, I know I’ll get the best content the Web has to offer. But you always seem to throw in stuff we NEVER see coming! Man, you Da’ GOAT! Nice to see this woman being proud of what God gave her and showing dat BIG AZZ off!
…. Great Comment too 😉 😉
need to pay to download?
Just want to echo that comment as well! This site is the BEST!!
nice clip, upload more of nude on the beach
Where is this from??