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Sofia as she was meant to be! Not this delated bag out here now…
Exactly!! Lurker speakin’ nuthin’ but truth.
I mean — I support anybody tryin’ to live healthier ‘n all dat… plus I know how hard it is to loss weight and keep a regiment…
but on the flipside — FUCK dat, LOL! 😀
I miss the ol’ Sofia’s titties and ass! Mu’fuckas were full and on point.
If you gon’ be a big bitch *doing porn*, you might as well *stay* big if that’s the fanbase you attracted.
In related news: Tiffany Blake lost too many pounds too. 🙁
“If you gon’ be a big bitch *doing porn*, you might as well *stay* big if that’s the fanbase you attracted.”
I like Sophia thick and fluffy like on these videos… They look nasty with the weight loss…saggy skin..saggy titties…. Not a good look at all
TROOF! I think I actually passed on posting a vid or 2 of hers… based off that loose saggy skin shit… she was LOOKIN’ BAD!